Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I haven't updated in 5 weeks...

I was looking on Meghan and Steve's blog, and there is a link to mine, and underneath my blog it said "Updated 5 weeks ago." DOH!

My apologies.

Can I run through a list of excuses to explain the last 5 weeks?
Sure? Okay, great, drum roll please...

1. Went to Swaziland for an African International Schools Conference. (Pretty sweet!)
2. Did not have internet for over a week at some point in October
3. Two grad school papers due this month
4. Planned the Halloween Day for my entire school
5. Blogspot wouldn't let me load pictures, despite countless tries. And what is a blog without a picture?!
6. I am lazy.
7. I've lost my zest

I definitely think # 7 has the most validity! But if my cousin Emily -with four children under age 7 and one is a newborn- can update, and Meghan and Steve with a newborn...I guess I can make a better effort too.

SO this post will be filed under excuses/apologies, and we can all move forward from here, yes?


Anonymous said...

Personally I wouldn't count out #6!! LOL!! Now we want to see a recent photo of you and Reesey.

PSUMommy said...

I've been missing your posts! I'm not getting my puppy fix! And I was wondering about how Halloween had a party later, too, right? How did it all go?