Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Moving to the Motherland...TOMORROW!

Eeek! Time has been flying by! I can't believe that I'm moving tomorrow. I have been running around like a headless chicken the past two weeks taking care of business. Doctors appointments galore, errands, etc. I have been spending the past few days packing, organizing, and visiting with friends and family.
Meghan and Steve came over and made dinner last night (yum), and Ryan and Martyna came home from Poland yesterday, so we had a nice little sibling get together. Of course Meghan and I had a tearful goodbye (thanks for the blubbering gene, Mom!) It was even harder than a typical goodbye since she has a little Mini Megs in her! I'm sad that I will be so far away, but such is life. It's crazy that the next time I will see her she will have a little baby girl and I'll be an Aunt! I can't wait!

I am dreading the long flight. Since the car accident I get so sore, stiff, and deal with a lot of pain in my neck and back on a daily basis. The trip will take me about 20 hours...yuck. My doctor and physical therapist instructed me to get up and walk every hour, do my special exercises, use my neck and back pillow, and take my pain pills/muscle relaxers/anti inflammatory pills! It will be a long haul, thank goodness for in flight movies, books, magazines, and my ipod!

Anyways...I should probably not be blogging right now, and instead should be packing. Procrastination at its finest!

I'll leave you all with a few pictures from the highlights of my summer...

Annual family beach vacation on Chincoteague Island, VA

Baby Shower for Meghan & Steve :)

Visiting Grandma in the country & family reunion

My farewell shindig with friends

Alrighty, I'm off! Next time you'll hear from me I'll be in Lesotho! :)


killiany said...

How is Lesotho the motherland?? Wouldn't Reston, VA be the motherland?

Anonymous said...

Well, since I am here, I guess that makes Lesotho the REAL motherland!! Can't wait to see you Colleen. For once it is not my turn to cry!! You can thank your Grandmother Wilson for the blubbering gene!Sure hope this trait doesn't show up in Baby K while she is an infant!

PSUMommy said...

Have a fantastic trip!

...Grandma Wilson blubbers?

Anonymous said...

Have a good trip tomorrow. I will look forward to reading your Blog. Do as the Dr. says and walk every hour or so. Will be thinking about you.
Love, Aunt Jeannie

Anonymous said...

Have a good trip tomorrow! Sniff, sniff, sniff. At least Madre wasn't there when we said our goodbyes, since I have a feeling we would've cried even more!

Colleen said...

Reston is home, but I refer to Africa as the Motherland because it's where it all started. I take to the idea that Africa is the heart of the old world, it was were we all came from..hence, the Motherland!

Oh and of course its because Mom is there too :)

Anonymous said...

So that's where I got the blubbering gene! Have a good trip, Colleen and keep us posted on your adventures!